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Work of art in a sentence

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Sentence count:69+2Posted:2017-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: work offwork outworkoutmark offfork outworkjack of all tradesat workMeaning: n. art that is a product of one of the fine arts (especially a painting or sculpture of artistic merit). 
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31. Each cowpat was slapped into position where it dried with its prominent hand-print, looking like a work of art.
32. The tax law provides for a deduction of the fair market value of the work of art.
33. Each Keymer clay tile is a work of art, guaranteed one of a kind by the handprint of its maker.
34. In her mind there was a set of events which includes reading about a work of art and looking at it.
35. The absurd idea, he wrote, that a work of art grows from nothing into something, from acorn into oak.
36. Sometimes this is clearly reflected in the work of art produced, sometimes the connection is more indirect.
37. However that was, he labored long and devotedly on the statue and produced a most exquisite work of art.
38. This landscape painting is a consummate work of art.
39. The wedding cake was a real work of art.
40. The soup bowl is a work of art.
41. A work of art forming an architectonic whole .
42. Lucy was a remarkable creation ,( as full of loveliness and subtlety as any work of art.
43. Lolita is a work of art that shows the charm and force of the English language.
44. The world record for a work of art sold at auction was broken in early February 2010, when a sculpture by Alberto Giacometti sold for $104.3m (including commission and taxes) at Sotheby's in London.
45. While conservative groups have sought to categorize the statue’s brazenness with soft pornography the statue is still held as a great work of art, pubic hair and all.
46. In Against Interpretation and Other Essays Susan Sontag criticizes the mainstream of modern criticism, which assumes that a work of art is content.
47. A beautiful young man is inartificial , but a beautiful old man is the true work of art.
48. Then, we visit the expert printmaker who made this work of art.
49. The Noguchi Museum in Long Island City, New York is itself a work of art.
50. We have to be certain that we can hold clear title to the work of art in question.
51. Levi-Strauss in his theory about compressed art discussed that meaning in work of art is undecidability, so the thinking of art is a symbolic thinking.
52. Must a work of art express feelings or emotions in order to be considered art?
53. Rebecca West, a great journalist of the last century, remarkedthat "the power to create a work of art, like a good complexion, is frequently bestowed on the undeserving."
54. The spa - like bathroom is a work of art.
55. Another important point is that any good work of art must catch the fancy of the audience.
56. He was astonished by the fineness of the work of art.
57. The Jasper Piano can be considered a work of art.
58. There was nothing a Visigoth liked better than to burn a book, desecrate a building, or smash a work of art.
59. This is because the female body is a beautiful work of art, while the male body is lumpy and hairy and should not be seen by the light of day.
60. Book binding designer must apply all elements of text, images, colors, paper and craft method into the work of art by applying their understanding of the context and feeling.
More similar words: work offwork outworkoutmark offfork outworkjack of all tradesat workworkswork atworkernetworkwork uphouseworkteamworkworkshopworkloadhomeworkoverworkout of workfireworkpaintworkmake-workfireworkspatchworkworking outworkplaceframeworkworking hourcaseworker
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